Tuesday, 9 April 2013

I have to admit it...

I recall sitting in Mr Quine's Year 5 Class at Gerringong Public School back in the 1970's chatting with Oyster, Wizard, Sharpie and Axeman about what we would like to do when we grew up. I know we should have been concentrating on Maths or Comprehension or something important but the topic seemed compelling. Anyway, in my wildest dreams, I came up with Professional Surfing as my chosen career path. Well...

I have to admit it...  this was a misguided choice as they often are. This is not the first time I have realised this by the way, but our current tour has sealed the deal. I am hopeless and I need to face facts that I am going to have to retire. I had visions of me clambering over the sand dunes or out to the nearest point break every morning as we travelled the coastline of this marvellous country. This was obviously some sort of perverse fantasy and the board has come off the roof maybe three times and when it has, it has not been pretty. Give it up for goodness sake and put that dream to bed.

Despite the fact that the surfing has not been a big part of this advcnture , we have continued to enjoy ourselves, finding plenty of alternative activities. We stayed at Grafton for one week and really enjoyed the side trips including Yamba, Maclean, the Yuraygir National Park and the Nymboida River. The rapids on the Nymboida provided us with some of the funniest moments of the trip. The kids favourite was seeing their mother stranded on a rock after negotiating a challenging set of rapids.
One minute she was happily watching her family from a safe place.

The next , struggling to stay afloat.

Before becoming stranded on a rock in fits of laughter or rage or despair or whatever that was. The kids were definitely laughing. I am wise enough to suppress my desire to crack up in these uncertain moments.

The kids seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Charlie and I even had the chance to get the Paddle Board on the Clarence confirming my fears that my surfing career is over.

We also enjoyed the Grafton pool and water slide where I was able to demonstrate to the kids the skills required to win the Gak Alexander Memorial Turkey Dive 2 years running.

We are now enjoying a few days in Alstonville where we are touring around the Northern Rivers district. Have managed Byron Bay, Lennox Head and Ballina today while yesterday we popped into Nimbin. What is that all about? 
 Off to Nightcap National Park and Bangalow tomorrow.


  1. Hope you enjoyed Bangalow! I love it around there. Lovely to see you all having a hilarious time in the water. xxx Sharon T

  2. Yes Phil - i feel your pain - i too have noticed that even the 'veteran' sporting champions still competing are now younger than myself! So I've decided to surrender to the inevitable and try a goat boat! Good to see all the fam having fun tho. Cheers, Pete & all the Chapos.
