The force is too strong, I must give in. Yes, my desires to camp in bush camps by the beach have been worn down by a superior force. The Dark Side does not share my joy of being encrusted in salt as I retire to bed after a successful day at the beach. Oh no, sand and salt are apparently not welcome in the bed. Showers at the end of each day are a key part of life. A compromise must be reached .
The compromise is establishing a base in civilisation, not too far from a beach or waterhole so we can enjoy the pleasures of these places and return at night to the comforts of home. It seems to be working.
Dangar Falls near Dorrigo |
s |
Skywalk at Dorrigo |
Ready for a swim in the river at Bellingen |
Pebbly Beach in the Yuraygir National Park north of Coffs Harbour. Where I wanted to camp. At least we were able to visit and enjoy this really special place. |
Station Creek, also in the Yuraygir NP.
We travelled from South West Rocks to Bellingen for Easter so we could get away from the throng on the coast. This was a masterstroke ( yes, by me) as we found Bellingen to be uncrowded and a really lovely, if wet place. It even passed the " could you live here?" test. It was a pretty chilled time and Alison and I even managed to sneak out for dinner one night with Ruby as our baby sitter. Thanks Roobs. Towards the end of our stay, Charlie and Ella expressed the symptoms of a viral challenge which they have fortunately moved on from and the rest of us have so far avoided.
Our new base is Grafton which has allowed us to explore the Yuraygir NP. Over the next few days we plan to visit Yamba, Maclean and the waterholes and waterfalls around Nymboida. Grafton has surprised us with the mighty Clarence River and beautiful architecture. Our caravan park is the best yet and while I bag the Dark Side for their need for comfort, I have to admit to beginning to soften to it's evil allure.
Hi Phil and crew. I'm enjoying following your adventures and must admit to being a wee bit envious-although I think I'm with the girls on the amenities bit. So you are now in my home area-the mighty Clarence. If you like the quieter coastal areas you should have a look at Brooms Head-turn off on the road into Maclean. The Yuragir NP is also out that way at Red Cliff, so you can drive into the Broom, shower, and then return to sleep in the NP. Watch out for the big roos. Happy travelling.