It's all about expectation management. My expectations relate mainly to perceived budgetary constraints. How can we afford , as a family of 6, to pay for food, camp fees, fuel and fun for up to 12 months. In the red corner is the rest of the family, ( well, mainly the females of the family). Their expectations include hot showers, power for the various technological enhancements, gourmet cooking and a roof over their heads that does not shake in the wind. There exists a gap between these two worlds which creates some interesting discussions. Some of these discussions become a little fresher when the drop toilets really smell like a toilet, the wind is blowing incessantly and the monitor in the Jayco suggests the water and power levels are dangerously low with no solution in sight.
Just kidding. We are all getting along famously.
Seal Rocks
Submarine Beach near Seal Rocks
My attempt to spin my fiscally responsible choice of campground is to suggest that moments like those above on our own secluded beach would not be possible if we piled in with the masses with their hot showers and other signs of civilisation. I will say that I did question the logic of saving 40 dollars a night when I was standing in a cold outdoor shower at 8pm in the teeth of a solid North Easter across the road from the Seal Rocks Campground as I looked on longingly at the same masses enjoying their creature comforts. Harden Up I say.
We have travelled from Nelson Bay area to Seal Rocks for three nights and are now down the road from Crescent Head in the Point Plomer Campground in the Limeburners Creek Nature Reserve. Very nice although we feel like we are back in Gerringong with the wind blowing a gale which seems to have been a fairly persistent theme on this trip. We are starting to think that heading inland might be necessary to regain our sanity. Maybe some other solutions will also need to be employed.

Plans are to explore this beautiful area for a few days then work out something for Easter. Hopefully involving water and power.
I am SO enjoying the Burgess Family travel blog! Every photo makes me smile...many make me laugh. We can see what a wonderful time you are all having. Best wishes for more picture-perfect camping spots and fun-filled days. And an occasional hot shower! Wx